Marine Commission Meeting Summary - September 13, 2022

Thank you to all who joined us for the Maine Commission Meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 4:00 PM in Municipal Hall.  If you missed the meeting, you may view the recording of the meeting here.  The following is a summary of the meeting for those who could not attend.  You may download a copy of the meeting packet here. The minutes from this meeting will be included in the following meeting's meeting packet. 

I. Call to Order: Mayor Pritchett called the meeting to order and thanked all who were in attendance for joining the meeting.

III. Public Comment: The public is invited to speak on any non-agenda and/or consent agenda topics. 

a. Wade Opplinger requested there be a consideration for changing the no-wake timeframe for non-motorized boaters.

b. Diane Wright requested a no-wake buoy and completed an application. She asked that someone check into why their application has not been approved. 

c.  Kevin Rhea reviewed his recent letter to the Marine Commission regarding concerns with commercial boating impacts in Lake Lure.

IV. Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was approved

A. Approval of the June 14, 2022 Regular Marine Commission Meeting Minutes

V. Hearing

A. Request from Christina Stepp to Appeal Civil Citation No. 001126

VI. Unfinished Business

VII. New Business

A. Discussion Regarding the Lake Advisory Board's Recommended Amendments to the Lake Use Regulations

B. Set a Public Hearing Date for Resolution Amending the Lake Use Regulation

VIII. Adjournment