State of Emergency Lifted 9/6/22

State of Emergency sign

The Town of Lake Lure declared a State of Emergency on Monday, 9/5/22 at 2:00 PM due to excessive rainfall in a very short period of time. Flooding from several surrounding tributaries has caused a significant amount lake water to infiltrate the waste water treatment plant causing one of the two pumps to go down. Emergency repairs have been made.

Updates will be provided as soon as new information becomes available. Please call 9-1-1 for all emergencies and report any other issues to

UPDATE: Effective 10:00 am on Tuesday, 9/6/22, the Town of Lake Lure, NC terminated the State of Emergency. Lake Lure lake levels are now within normal operating limits. Thank you to our first responders for their tireless support and thank you to our citizens and visitors for your patience as we worked through the storm.