Lake Lure Town Council Meeting Summary from 1/11/22

Town Council Meeting Summary Sign

January's Regular Town Council Meeting was held at 5:00 in the Town of Lake Lure Municipal Hall at 2948 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure NC 28746.

These meetings are open to the public and approximately 40 citizens attended the meeting.  The following is a summary of the meeting. You may view a recording of the meeting and download the meeting packet for additional information.  The minutes of the meeting will be included in the February Regular Town Council Meeting packet.

I. Call to Order: Mayor Carol Pritchett called the meeting to order and thanked everyone that was in attendance.  

II. Agenda Adoption: The agenda was approved as written.

III. Mayor's Communications: Mayor Pritchett acknowledged the unity that she had seen in the community and expressed appreciation for the community's support with all the work that is being done to address the infrastructure needs of the Town.

IV. Town Manager's Communications: Town Clerk and Interim Town Manager Olivia Stewman reported that the warranty work had been successfully completed on the penstock. She stated that it had been a busy start to the year.  

V. Council Liaison Reports and Comments: Commissioners serve as liaisons for each of the Town boards. For updates and details, you may review the minutes from each of the following board meetings.

  • ABC Board: Board liaison, Commissioner Jim Proctor reported that the ABC Board has an opening for a new member.  The gross sales for the Lake Lure ABC St0re have increased by 13.2% increase to $102,510.50.  Commissioner Proctor advised that the ABC Board is the one board that is required by NC state regulations, in addition to the Board of Adjustment.
  • Board of Adjustment/Lake Structures Appeals: Board liaison, Commissioner Jim Proctor
  • Lake Advisory Board: Board Liaison and Mayor Pro Tem DiOrio provided an update from the Board including a summary of the goals for the new year.  One project they will undertake is a review of the comprehensive study from 2006 Lake Use Model with a focus on lake safety. 
  • Parks and Recreation: Board liaison, Commissioner Patrick Bryant gave a brief report on the work of the board.  He advised that a new committee is being formed to create a plan for the new green space that was the Lake Lure Municipal Golf Course. Mark Hoek has been asked to chair the committee. He also advised that a new Steering Committee was being formed to help provide guidance on the Rutherford County TDA grant funding. 
  • Utilities Advisory Board:  Board liaison, Commissioner Scott Doster provided a brief overview of the work of the UAB.  He advised that the board would like to serve as an advocate and liaison between home owners and the Town as we proceed with the sewer system replacement project.
  • Zoning and Planning: Board liaison, Commissioner Scott Doster provided a brief overview of the work of the board.  They have created their new meeting schedule for 2022 and will have one vacancy this year.

Mayor Pritchett thanked board members for their services.  She explained that board members had been asked to stay on until March this year as Town Council assessed the boards and plans for the future.  The Town of Lake Lure has a board vacancy for each of our Town boards.  Applications are being accepted now and new members will be appointed in March 2022.  Mayor Pritchett encouraged residents of all ages and from all backgrounds to apply for appointments to the various Town boards and committees. 

VI. Presentations

A. Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge: Chamber President Teri Couto gave Town Council a presentation of the accomplishments from the past year and plans for the coming year.  Please see the meeting packet for a copy of the presentation. 

VII. Public Comment: A resident provided a brief overview of their experience with their property and their experience with neighbors.

VIII. Consent Agenda: All items in the consent agenda were approved.

A. Approval of Minutes
B. Budget Amendment #320 for the Sewer System Project
C. Carolina Climber Coalition Camping Waiver and Access to Town Hall Request for the 2022 Rumble
D. Ordinance No. 22-01-11 - Capital Project Ordinance: Establish a capital project fund for Subaqueous Sewer System (SASS) Replacement & Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) Phase 1 project, as required to account for all debt proceeds used to finance capital projects. It is required that a capital project ordinance, pursuant to GS 159-13.2, be adopted by Town Council. 

IX. Unfinished Business: None

X. New Business

A. LaBella Task Order 11 - Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Project: A proposal letter has been provided by LaBella for the purpose of seeking approval for Task 11 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Project. The deliverable will consist of the survey, geotechnical investigation, design, permitting, bidding and award support, and Construction Management required to complete the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) portion of the GLS. The intent is for this scope of work to be completed by the traditional Design-BidBuild (DBB) approach and to be completed concurrently with or ahead of Phase 1 of the GLS installation. This item was approved.

XI. Closed Session

XII. Adjournment