Managing Lake Levels
In managing the lake level, it is a balance of the following objectives. We want to:
- Avoid over topping the dam – the safety and effective operation of the dam and hydro plant are at stake
- Maximize the revenues from electricity generation – each dollar we make can go toward maintenance, repair and refurbishment of our 88-year old facility
- Maintain a constant lake level for recreation – when the water level is too low or high, property owners and boaters are impacted
- The water level of Lake Lure is not exactly constant. Lakefront property owners can expect that the lake level may be anywhere within an 18” range: from 12” below full pond to 6” above full pond.
Factors that influence the policy for managing lake levels:
- Generating power will lower the lake level, as will evaporation.
- Inflow from the river and streams will raise the lake level, especially following rain events.
- We earn significantly more from generating during the daytime, Monday through Friday. On typical weekends, the lake is allowed to rise above full pond and the normal operating range in order to build up some reserve generating capacity and take advantage of peak generating rates on Mondays.
- Historically, the Town has periodically engaged in a winter draw down, bringing the lake level down 3 to 5 feet below full pond to facilitate repair and construction of lake structures. You say you can’t get your boat off of the lift anymore? Here's Why: Natural and man-made sedimentation around the shoreline will reduce lake depth under docks and boathouses over time, giving the appearance that the lake level is getting lower. Property owners are encouraged to excavate as needed to maintain access to their boats in instances when the lake level is 12” below full pond. This is not considered dredging or shoreline alteration, which would require Town Council approval. There are several contractors in the area that can easily perform this excavation for you. You can get their names at Town Hall).
You say you can’t get your boat off of the lift anymore? Here's Why:
Natural and man-made sedimentation around the shoreline will reduce lake depth under docks and boathouses over time, giving the appearance that the lake level is getting lower. Property owners are encouraged to contact Community Development to explore options for improving the situation.

Handling the Big Storms
Heavy rain and sustained rain means rivers and streams like this one quickly overflow. When heavy rain like this is forecast, the lake is intentionally lowered in advance by as much as eight inches below normal lake level. A drop of more than this must be approved by the Town Manager. On the lake, more property damage occurs from high water levels than low, so cautious management keeps the lake lower than full pond during rainy periods. When the generators are not keeping the lake level down, Donnie utilizes the three flood gates to let out additional water. When the flood gates have to be raised beyond three feet, we initiate a system of emergency communications, (Everbridge phone calls and public alert loudspeakers). If the lake level reaches 992.6' (two and a half feet above full pond), water starts to over top the lowest point of the dam. At that point, docks are underwater and boat tops have been crunched in boathouses.