Sewer System Update: Bottom Core Sampling Operations in Lake Lure

Bottom Core Sampling Operations in Lake Lure

This is a brief update on the Town of Lake Lure’s sewer system replacement.  We are making progress with this important project and want to keep you informed with every phase of our work. 

The Town continues to work closely with several divisions within the NC Department of Environmental Quality and with Labella Associates, the engineering firm that is overseeing this project.  LaBella engineers are conducting surveys and collecting bottom samples in preparation for the new sewer system construction around Lake Lure.  You may see these drill rigs (shown here) conducting bottom core samples over the next several weeks.  Please stay clear (at least 20 feet) of these barges.

LaBella engineers are currently developing detailed plans for the new sewer system. In early 2023, the Town is planning to distribute a communication package and hold a series of meetings with property owners to explain the new system and provide stub-out connections and man-hole locations for the first phase, extending from the dam.  The majority of phase 1 of the construction is expected to occur during the 2023-2024 winter lake drawdown period.

The Town's Public Works Department has a comprehensive plan to maintain the legacy system until the new system is operational. Completing all new phases may take ten years or more. The refurbishing of the old manholes is complete and a detailed lateral pipe inspection is ongoing to reduce lake water infiltration into the system. Camera inspections and power wash cleaning in the legacy lines will be conducted on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support and for your patience as we continue this important work that will help preserve Lake Lure for future generations.