Lake Lure Storm Recovery Updates 3/21/25

Please take a moment to review the Lake Lure Storm Recovery updates and information as of Friday, 3/21/25.
The Town of Lake Lure held a Special Town Council Meeting on 3.18.25. The following attendees were present for the meeting along with about 200 community members.
- Drew Christy, Director of NC GROW
- Jenine Stevenson, NC Emergency Management
- Dwayne Collins, NC Emergency Management
- George Minges, United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- Edith Vinson-Maitlandt, FEMA
- Darla Dickerson, FEMA
- Daniel Dubé, FEMA
- Todd Hoose, FEMA
- Abby Causey, United Way of Rutherford County
- George Minges from the USACE announced that FEMA approved the Corps new mission assignment for dredging (though they do not use this term). Mayor Pritchett shared that the Town was thrilled that the US ACE will be continuing their work in Lake Lure and working to remove the subsurface debris, silt, and sedimentation from the lake. This work will include all the coves and on the West end of the Rocky Broad River and downstream below the Lake Lure Dam. We still do not have a copy of the order itself as they are working to add the creeks and the river work.
- This is great news and something the Town of Lake Lure could never do without FEMA’s support. The work will begin in the coming days and will occur throughout the summer months. The Town is in the midst of lowering the Lake down to about 12 feet below full pond to 978 MSL in the coming days.
- The plan will be to complete some sewer system work completed simultaneously while the Lake is lowered.
- The free private property debris removal program was also discussed. Please be sure to visit this link below if you still have debris and haven’t already considered applying for this opportunity.
- Fire Chief Dustin Waycaster was presented with a $50,000 donation from the United Way of Rutherford County to purchase a heart monitor for the Fire Department. Chief Waycaster advised that the Lake Lure Fire Department was consolidating with the Fairfield Mountains Fire Department. The Town is in the process of hiring full time Fire Fighters who will be working at the Fairfield Mountains Fire Department, in addition to volunteers.
- For questions, please email
Due to increased fire risk, the N.C. Forest Service has issued a ban on all open burning and has canceled all burning permits statewide effective 8 a.m. Friday, March 21 until further notice. Under North Carolina law, the ban prohibits all open burning in the affected counties, regardless of whether a permit was previously issued. The issuance of any new permits has also been suspended until the ban is lifted. Anyone violating the burn ban faces a $100 fine plus $183 court costs. Any person responsible for setting a fire may be liable for any expenses related to extinguishing the fire. The burn ban does not apply to fires started within 100 feet of an occupied dwelling.
Lake Lure Firefighters have been assisting with the fires in Polk County this week. We pray for containment of the fires, for the safety of all those impacted and the first responders!
- NC Governor Josh Stein signed the bill for more than $500 million to western North Carolina for Hurricane Helene relief.
Senator Ted Budd and Congressman Tim Moore, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and FEMA met with Mayor Pritchett, Mayor Pro Tem Dave DiOrio, and Town Officials 3/20/25 to discuss how to get federal resources where they are needed most. We appreciate this support.
PBS: A PBS film crew visited the Town of Lake Lure 3/20-22/25 to develop a scientific video on the impact of Hurricane Helene. We will share more information as the programming is scheduled. Crews conducted interviews and filmed at the Rocky Broad River, the Lake, the Dam and downstream.
Mayor Carol Pritchett and Town Officials met with Edith Vinson-Maitlandt on 3/21/25 FEMA to provide an overview of current recovery efforts and to discuss next steps including Town losses, the recovery process, and funding.
Town Council: The Regular Town Council Meeting was held on 3/11/25 at Rumbling Bald on Lake Lure. You may click on the following link for a summary of the meeting.
Marine Commission Meeting: The Regular Marine Commission Meeting was held on 3/11/25 at Rumbling Bald on Lake Lure. You may click on the following link for a summary of the meeting.
Helene: Relief Package Of $524m Signed Into Law - Newsbreak: By By Alan Wooten:
Hurricane Helene Was The 'Deadliest Hurricane' In The U.S. Since Katrina In 2005, NHC Report Finds:
- Nearly 6 Months Later, NOAA's Final Helene Report Shows Its Power, Devastation: by Dean Hensley, Thu, March 20th 2025:
- Lake Levels: The current Lake Level is between 985-986 Mean Sea Level (MSL) as of 3/21/25.
- The plan is to begin lowering the lake a foot a day until we reach 978.00 MSL.
- As we have been reporting, we are lowering the Lake for the ongoing work with the US Army Corps of Engineers and AshBritt Environmental of removing debris, silt, and sedimentation, which will now be focused on subsurface.
- Updates will be posted here when further decisions are made regarding the Lake Level.
- Water Quality Tests: Updated water samples have been received this week. Town officials are happy to report the turbidity readings have decreased even more with the highest readings coming in at only 39 NTU at the lake center and the dam. This is considered moderate turbidity and is not a big concern for lake health. Normal turbidity range is 0 to 10 NTU, but up to 25 NTU is acceptable. You may review the updated spreadsheet which illustrates all the water sample data received by the Town of Lake Lure. The latest water quality tests (2/24/25) are posted at the following link along with the history of the results.
- Lake Use in 2025: The Town now has a confirmed plan for subsurface debris, silt, and sedimentation removal (dredging). The Lake will be lowered by approximately 12 feet more feet to support the subsurface debris removal. This work will be ongoing until the end of the summer and the Lake may remain lowered for ongoing work on the sewer system. Out of an abundance of caution, motorized and non-motorized vessels, as well as swimming, are not permitted.
- Washburn Marina/Boat Slips: Plans for rebuilding the Washburn Marina are also dependent upon future funding. We will continue to keep you informed with any updates as new information becomes available. All marina slips are being reserved for existing slip renters and updates will be posted as new information becomes available. Note that the marina docks have been temporarily placed near the shore at Pool Creek Park. They will be moved in the coming weeks.
- Boat Permits: Boat permits will not become available until the Lake reopens
- Only approved contractors may go on the lake at this time but sea wall restoration is now possible with the proper permitting. Building contractors should submit a scope of work regarding lake use activities (with permits) to Community Development.
- If work is to be done from a boat, a 2025 Service permit sticker will also be required. Please contact the Parks, Recreation, and Lake office to purchase the Service permit sticker.
- You may email with any questions.
- Approved commercial building contractors in the commercial model include:
- Freeman Stone Masonry
- K-Enterprise
- Lake Lure Dock
- Master Dock
- Michael Markie (work from land only)
- For additional information, please visit the following link:
- Damaged Lake Structures: The Community Development Department has created a listing of all damaged lake structures. FEMA has approved a process for FREE demolition of these lake structures. The Town has been advised that FREE demolition of Lake Structures through FEMA is very rare. The Community Development Department has mailed letters to property owners to advise them of this time limited opportunity. If you have a significantly damaged lake structure and have not already been contacted by Community Development Staff, you may reach them by contacting them at or 828-625-9983 x 135.
- The reservoir drain project at the dam is near completion. The drain will allow the Town to lower the lake beyond 12 feet, if needed.
- Divers have been working to remove debris from the opening of the valve so testing may begin and they demobilized on 3/14/25.
- The target date for reservoir drain testing and project completion is 3/27/25.
- The automation system for the Tainter Gates has been installed and inspected. They are functioning well.
- Fencing has been installed along the abutments for safety and looks very good.
- Schnabel Engineering has developed the work plan for the geotechnical subsurface investigation to support the design of the replacement dam at Lake Lure. This work is taking place right now.
West-end Sewer System: The work on the West End Sewer System Project began on 3/10/25. Materials were staged in the area so contractors could immediately proceed with the work. The project is going well. The total project could take up to 4 months, depending on the time it takes to drill through rock, etc.
Sewer System Overall: Public Services continues to work to maintain the larger sewer system. Planning and design work will be proceeding in Sunset Cove, Tryon Bay, Snug Harbor, and Grey Logs Cove in anticipation of future funding. The Town has applied for FEMA funding to support restoration of the system. Updates will be provided as new information becomes available.
Lift Station: In the meantime, the lift station repairs below the dam are going well. Everything is mechanically connected. We are running on portable pumps now.
Waste Water Treatment Plant: The Waste Water Treatment Plant is operational.
The Town of Lake Lure and all those in areas code 28746 are eligible to apply for a FREE option for debris removal.
- Owners who cannot take their private or commercial business property debris to the right of way (ROW) for pickup may apply for this program.
- Owners who do not have debris removal insurance or have inadequate debris removal insurance, may apply to have qualified disaster debris removed from their property for FREE.
- The program also covers the demolition of eligible unsafe structures on both private and commercial business properties.
Follow this link for additional information and the online application. You may also stop in at the Arcade Building for personal assistance completing your application – Monday (8-6) through Saturday (9-2). For questions, call the debris call center open daily from 7A to 7P at 833-468-6129.
How long with the process take? The PPDR program requires a very thorough process to determine eligibility on private and commercial business properties. Debris removal will be a lengthy process, and we appreciate everyone’s collaboration as we begin to clean up our homes, businesses and communities.
What types of debris and demolition are eligible under the commercial and PPDR program?
Removal of hazardous limbs, trees, or other mixed debris caused by Hurricane Helene that is near a commonly used area or maintained areas of a private or commercial business property.
Removal of debris impacting a waterway.
The demolition and removal of a structure that is a health hazard, deemed unfit/unsafe, and may not be recoverable, or is in threat of collapse on a private or commercial business property. This may include concrete slabs.
What is NOT eligible under the program?
Debris on vacant lots, unimproved property, and unused or unmaintained areas of commercial/business or private property.
Debris on land used primarily for agricultural purposes, such as land for crops or livestock on commercial/business or private property.
Debris on property which has been accepted into the FEMA Hazard mitigation Assistance Program (HMA) is not eligible for PPDR services.
Please have these documents readily available when you apply (see video on required documents):
A copy of your insurance policy and proof/statement of loss from the company (if insured)
A color copy of your driver’s license or valid U.S. government-issued ID (such as a passport)
Proof of ownership such as a warranty deed, tax assessment, etc. for private property, OR
Trust documents if you are the trustee, OR
Your business's articles of incorporation listing you the registered agent if for a commercial property
A simple sketch of the private or commercial business property identifying the locations of debris (hand-drawn is fine).
- Debris Removal Updates: The USACE, in coordination with AshBritt Environmental and local contractors, continue efforts to remove debris. As of 3/21/25:
- Over 41,343 cubic yards (CY) of debris removed from the right of way.
- Over 31,805 tons of sediment and silt removed from Town (no change this week, but just wait! Change is coming!
- Over 29,067 cubic yards (CY) of debris removed from the Lake.
- Subsurface Debris, silt, and sedimentation removal will begin soon.
- 3D MAP: USACE surveyed Lake Lure and created a 3D map of 720 acres of the lake bottom that is being used to identify debris that is underwater, like docks or boats. This debris will be removed in the next phase of work. You may review a copy of the USACE Hydrographic Survey at the following link:
- Rutherford County Debris Removal/Free Mulch: Rutherford County has also been removing debris from the roadways. Rutherford County is giving away free double-ground mulch-like product on a first come, first served basis while supplies last beginning January 27, 2025. The mulch is available at the Rutherford County Landfill, 656 Laurel Hill Drive, Rutherfordton, NC. Hours for pickup are Monday-Friday 10:00 am-2:00 pm.
The Town of Lake Lure Public Works crews are continuing the restoration process in Morse Park. If you have been to the area you know that Morse Park was literally covered in silt and debris. This picture illustrates the work that took place this week near the Lake Lure Gazebo. Grass has been planted and the next steps will be to continue the work near the marina and east entry. Our goal is to be able to reopen a portion of Morse Park in time for the Arbor Day Program 4/25/25.
A new playground set has been donated to the Town from Kaboom. It will be placed in this spot in Morse Park in June 2025.
Lake Lure Welcomes Visitors Back As Recovery Continues: While visitors should be mindful of ongoing recovery efforts, several local businesses and recreation areas have reopened. Travel and Outdoors: March 10, 2025. By Bethany Osborn:;
There are a number of attractions that are open in the area. Lake Lure hotels, lodges, bed & breakfasts, and our amazing restaurants are open for business! Our local businesses greatly appreciate your patronage! Please visit the area and encourage others to visit as well. Here are some of the amenities that are currently open to the public.
- Dittmer-Watts Nature Trails
- Lake Lure Green Space
- Pool Creek Picnic Park
- Youngs Mountain
- Rumbling Bald Golf Courses
The Town has been approved for a grant for a replacement playground which will be temporarily placed in Pool Creek Picnic Park until a more permanent location can be identified. Stay tuned for some exciting upcoming events that will be held in this area in the coming months. We hear that the Easter Bunny may be making a visit there soon!
Ongoing work is also taking place at Buffalo Creek Park, Weed Patch Mountain and Upper Boulder Trails by the National Guard, Carolina Climbers Coalition, Rutherford Outdoor Coalition, EcoForesters and AmeriCorps. We cannot thank them enough for their time and support! Please stay tuned for updates as these additional parks and trails reopen.
The Town of Lake Lure continues to encourage state partners to open Chimney Rock State Park (CRSP) as soon as possible and to ensure there are two access roads to the Park for public safety. A significant portion of CRSP is in the Town of Lake Lure and the Lake Lure Fire Department provides emergency services to the Park. Completing the short gap between Lago Vista Road (behind the 1927 Lake Lure Inn and Spa) and Chimney Rock State Park Road (within the park itself) is just a quarter of a mile. This road could be completed in a short amount of time so we can open the Park, until the Chimney Rock Village entrance can be re-established. Town Council members and Town officials have formally advocated for this option to enhance emergency responses by the Lake Lure Fire and Rescue Team. Many people have asked what they can do to help. Please take a few moments and follow the link to details on how to help reopen Chimney Rock State Park. Thank you for your support
- Dam Bridge Closure on Buffalo Shoals Road: There will be a temporary road closure on the Lake Lure Dam Bridge on Buffalo Shoals Road on Thursday, 3/27/25. The purpose of the road closure is for the work on the reservoir drain project. Please plan for the road to be closed all day and we will post an update when the road is reopened.
- Blarney Road: There will be road delays on Blarney Road starting Monday, 3/24/25 for landslide cleanup. Public Works crews anticipate completing this project by mid-week. Please anticipate delays. Thank you for your patience.
- Highway 9 in Polk County: NC DOT has posted a road closure on portions of Highway 9 in Polk County 3/25/25 – 3/27/25. Visit for additional details.
- Governor Josh Stein and Emergency Management Officials Encourage Western North Carolinians to Apply for Private Roads and Bridges Repair Program:
Roadways: The Town of Lake Lure is grateful for the support of the community as so many trucks are up and down the roadways hauling off debris. This phase of the recovery remains challenging but the restoration that is being done is nothing short of amazing. Once the debris is finally cleared, the roadways will be assessed and the Town will work to restore roadways that have been impacted by the traffic from heavy trucks. Public Works crews are working on Town roads and mud slides every week.
Highway 64/74A Between Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Village: As of March 2025, Highway 64/74A between Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Village is closed as a result of the impacts of Hurricane Helene. The road is only open to residents, property and business owners, and approved construction workers. A checkpoint is in place at The Hickory Nut store just beyond The Geneva Motel. Only those with approved passes are allowed through. For questions please contact Chimney Rock Village.
- NC DOT updates on Highway 64: A temporary road is expected to be open between Chimney Rock and Hendersonville was extended to March 31, 2025.
- Proposed Helene Repairs at U.S. 64/U.S. 74A in Chimney Rock - Rutherford, Henderson Counties: The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes Helene repairs from the U.S. 64/U.S. 74A intersection in Henderson County, along U.S. 74A for 2.6 miles to just east of the U.S. 74A/Terrace Drive intersection. Repairs include replacing the U.S. 64 Bridge and replacing Southside Drive and Chimney Rock State Park bridges. Project details and maps can be found at the NCDOT public input webpage, which will be updated as the project progresses. There is an opportunity to submit written comments or they can be submitted via phone at (984) 205-6615, enter project code 11105, email at or at the following link by March. 12, 2025: For additional information or to mail comments, contact: Brian Burch, Consultant Project Manager, HNTB, 4000 Center at North Hills St., Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27609
- Proctor Road: The Town has worked with Morgan Corporation to begin addressing the landslide issue, creating additional space for passage until the problems can be fully resolved. A contractor has assessed what it will take to fully repair the road and this proposal will be presented to Town Council for review.
The cell tower site shifted 100 feet back to accommodate the change in the topography due to the storm. It will still be 125 feet from property lines and will be fenced in. The tower will be 195 feet tall and will be a sleek design. The tower is currently going through the permitting process. It is estimated that the tower will be put into place this year though we do not have an official start date for construction at this time. Please stay tuned for updates.
- Use FEMA Grants for Disaster-Related Expenses: FEMA reminds North Carolina residents who have received federal disaster assistance for Tropical Storm Helene to use the money for its intended purpose and to keep receipts for three years. Disaster assistance is intended to help residents pay for basic necessities lost because of the disaster. A letter explaining what the payment is to be used for arrives soon after the check or direct deposit payment. Some eligible expenses may include items such as:
- ▪ Repairs to make a home safe, sanitary and livable.
- ▪ Rental assistance to temporarily pay for a place to stay.
- ▪ Repair or replacement of a disaster-damaged essential vehicle.
- ▪ Medical care for an injury caused by the disaster.
- ▪ Money to help pay for funeral or reburial expenses caused by the disaster.
- ▪ Replacing clothing, occupational tools and educational materials.
- ▪ Moving and storage expenses related to the disaster.
- If applicants spend the payment on anything other than the purpose for which it is intended, they may be denied future disaster assistance. In some cases, FEMA may ask that the money be returned.
- Those receiving assistance are urged to keep receipts for their disaster spending for three years to document the money was used to meet disaster-related expenses. If you receive an insurance settlement to cover the same expenses, you must reimburse FEMA. Audits are conducted to confirm funds were spent properly.
- FEMA Extension for Individual Assistance: The new deadline is April 7, 2025. Governor Stein released the following statement on the extension: “Thank you to FEMA and the Trump Administration for granting North Carolina’s request to extend the individual assistance program and to our Congressional delegation for its support. This is a positive step forward, and I urge affected residents from western North Carolina to apply for FEMA funding to help them get back on their feet.”
- There are several ways to apply:
- Visit a Disaster Recovery Center in your community. Visit to locate the closest location. (Most Recommended):
- Call the FEMA hotline at 1-800-621-3362 between the hours of 7am and midnight.
- Go online to
- The Town of Lake Lure has submitted several projects for funding through FEMA. The Town has not received any funding to date; however, FEMA is funding all of the debris removal process in and around the Lake. Some of the categories of projects the Town has submitted to FEMA include repairs to the Dam, Hydro-electric Plant, Waste Water Treatment Plant, Waste Water Collection System, Road and Bridge Repairs, Pathways and Sidewalks, Town Hall and the Police Station, the Beach, Parks and Trails, and Town Vehicles. Further information on these projects will be presented as additional information becomes available.
- Crisis Counseling, Mental Health Resources Available for Helene Survivors: The NC Department of Health and Human Services’ Hope4NC Crisis Counseling Program provides immediate support and crisis counseling services for North Carolinians following Helene. Survivors experiencing stress, emotional fatigue, a mental health crisis or just need someone to talk to, can call the Hope4NC Helpline 24/7 at 1-855-587-3463. Services are provided at no cost and are available to anyone residing within the declared 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, regardless of their eligibility for FEMA financial assistance. Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline is available anytime to provide support. Survivors and responders feeling overwhelmed can call or text 1-800-985-5990 to receive free, confidential support in any language.
Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach - Local Food Pantry: (828) 625-4683 Monday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Legal Aid NC Helpline: If you wish to contact Legal Aid NC for disaster-related legal issues, call our Helpline: Toll-Free: 1 (866) 219-LANC (5262) 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday – Friday. Legal Aid of North Carolina is not your typical law firm—they are the nonprofit law firm for the state. They are dedicated to delivering justice and ensuring that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has access to legal help and support when it matters most.
NC Department of Insurance (DOI) is coordinating with law enforcement agencies, emergency management, fire departments, rescue squads, charities, churches and civic groups to do everything we can at the state and local level to assist the victims. DOI Consumer Assistance will be on the ground to help with insurance claims and other needs. The following web page is updated with the latest information on the DOI Hurricane Helene recovery efforts.
RHI Legacy Foundation: RHI Legacy is committed to impacting health and wellness in Rutherford County by making grants to support organizations and initiatives aligned with the Foundation’s grant focus areas: Chronic disease, Healthy Eating, Active Living.
United Way:
United Way of Rutherford County:
The Community Foundation for Western NC (CFWNC) Hurricane Helene Relief and Recovery Effort: (Regional Funders, Donors and Others Coordinating for Hurricane Relief in Western North Carolina). CFWNC activated its Emergency and Disaster Response Fund to accept and disburse funds supporting a regional response and relief efforts in 18 counties of Western North Carolina including the Qualla Boundary on September 29. Funds ensure that nonprofits have the resources they needed for the critical early response and continuing recovery. Administrative fees are waived so that every dollar goes directly to assistance. *To donate by check: make your check payable to The Community Foundation and mail it to 4 Vanderbilt Park Drive, Ste. 300, Asheville, NC 28803; please include EDRF in the memo line. $17,498,653 in 394 Grants Awarded as of 1/1/25. To apply for a grant visit:
- North Carolina Community Foundation: Bringing together generous people and connect them to causes and organizations they care about. Mission: to inspire North Carolinians to make lasting and meaningful contributions to their communities. The North Carolina Community Foundation’s Disaster Relief Fund aims to provide assistance in the months and years ahead. “Our Disaster Relief Fund is going to be providing help with long-term recovery and unmet needs. It will complement the work already underway in western North Carolina with grants going out to organizations in early 2025,” said NCCF President and CEO Jennifer Tolle Whiteside. More than $10 million has been raised so far for the Disaster Relief Fund, including a $7.5 million gift from Lilly Endowment Inc. Visit the following link to apply for a grant:
- The Town approved a contract to work with the Foothills Regional Commission (FRC) in updating the
Comprehensive Plan. The process includes the following deliverables:
- Survey creation and survey data review.
- Public input with key community focus groups.
- Review of Current and Future statistics and demographics.
- Review of current existing conditions and development patterns.
- Hold bi-monthly steering committee meetings, anticipating 6 meetings in total over the span of 12 months.
- 2 traditional public input sessions.
- Development of short-term and long-term development goals.
- Webpage for the Plan hosted on the Foothills Regional Commission Website.
- 2-4 Community Town Halls for public input.
- All mapping will be provided based upon existing data. No new data will be collected.
- Mapping will be hosted via the FRC server, and an online interactive map will be available to post on the Town of Lake Lure website after completion.
- Development of goals and objectives to guide future development.
- Development of 3-5 Catalyst Projects.
- Development of timelines and funding sources for Catalyst Projects.
- Mapping assessments and valuation assessments.
- The tentative plan is to begin work in late spring - early summer, and to have the process completed by July 2026.
- Town Hall was flooded and is closed at this time, as is the Welcome Center.
- The Town has applied for funding assistance for damages to Town Hall and future plans for this building cannot be determined until the outcome of this request is known.
- Town Hall is currently operating out of office space in the Arcade Building including the Town Manager, Town Clerk, Administration, and Community Development.
- You may reach staff at their phone online extensions and the staff Directory is located on the Town website at:
- For questions, you may email
The following chart illustrates the financial support the Town of Lake Lure is currently seeking, in addition to Federal and State Funding requests that have been made on behalf of the Town through our political representatives (disaster management planning experts) and Hager Strategic Solutions (lobbyist). They are assisting the Town with post-disaster federal funding applications and requests to expedite our recovery process.
There are 29 projects that have been submitted to FEMA for consideration of funding and the Town is awaiting their review and feedback.
Organization |
Funding Request |
Status |
State of NC-DEQ-Water (Loan with potential forgiveness) |
$3,000,000 |
Application under review |
FEMA-Revenue Replacement (Loan with potential forgiveness) |
Up to $5,000,000 |
Financial data under review; additional data being provided |
FEMA-Expedited Funding for Emergency Repairs |
Up to $7,500,000 |
Application under review |
DEQ-ARPA Reimbursement (non-storm related) |
Up to $3,000,00 |
Submission under review |
Private Donations |
Up to $90,000 |
Deposited; being held for future disbursement under discretion of Council |
Other Revenues and Payments from Insurance proceeds and claims |
Up to $5,000,000 |
50% has been approved for release 1/7/25 Update: 50% received. 1/31/25 Update: $1.3 million insurance payment for damage to Town Hall. |
NC Treasurer Cash Flow Loan |
$3,423,122.89 |
3/21/25 Update: Received |
Our community, along with many of our neighbors, has been devastated by the catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. The Town of Lake Lure, NC is deeply grateful for the support our community has received. We have had numerous requests to establish a mechanism for financial donations. Please click on the following link to donate to the Town of Lake Lure Storm Recovery Fund.
Additional options for monetary donations include the following:
- Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration:
- Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach:
- RHI Legacy Foundation will match any donation up to $50,000 at
- United Way of Rutherford County at
- Hurricane Helene – Força Foundation
- Restore Lake Lure Fundraising Campaign: "The Restore Lake Lure campaign seeks to bridge the gap between governmental support and personal sacrifice."
- The Foundation For Lake Lure/Chimney Rock Area Businesses:
- Swift evacuation by first responders saving countless lives 9/27/24.
- Countless rescues first responders during and following Hurricane Helene.
- Coordination with the Rutherford County Emergency Management during and throughout the storm.
- Dam assessment and stabilization immediately following the storm event 9/27/24-9/29/24.
- Communication with the Rutherford County EOC and FEMA for recovery immediately following the storm.
- Coordination with volunteer groups to provide hot meals, shower services, restrooms, and handwashing stations in strategic locations by 10/1/24. Christian Aid Ministries served 8,080 hot meals and assisted 43 homeowners with cleanup of their homes and property. There were 164 volunteers and they spent 2,457 hours assisting our community!
- Creation of donation stations to disseminate supplies throughout town by 10/1/24.
- Cleared Highways and Town roads within days of the storm.
- Restoration of water service throughout Town with water quality testing allowing Boil Advisory lifted 10/14/24 and 10/16/24 respectively.
- Rapid repair of power services throughout Town by Duke Power and REMC.
- Establishment of temporary communications systems through Starlink (10 systems) and Cell on Wheels with AT&T and Verizon 10/16/24.
- Replacement of fiber to re-establish internet and cell service to the area 10/18/24.
- Repair to the left abutment of the Dam by 10/27/24 with 2,494.64 tons of material securing the area.
- Army Corps of Engineers contract signed with AshBritt to oversee lake debris and silt/sedimentation removal during a 160 day period of performance beginning 10/28/24. Debris removal began 11/4/24.
- Emergency repairs to the sewer system completed, allowing "no flush order" to be lifted for most on 10/28/24.
- Reopening of the Dam Bridge on Buffalo Shoals Road on 10/31/24.
- Dittmer Watts Nature Trails and a portion of the Green Space reopened on 11/19/24.
- Pressure Reducing Valve Construction in Lake Lure Town Center successfully completed 11/22/24.
- The Boys Camp Road Temporary Bridge was completed 11/26/24.
- As of 1/23/24, Over 32,782 CY of debris have been removed from the right of way, 27669 tons of sediment and silt have been removed from Town and the parks, 24,558 cubic yards (CY) of debris have been removed from the Lake.
- 1/10/25: Burnt Ridge Landslide repair completed.
- 1/7/25: 50% of insurance payments received.
- 1/22/25: Contracted with lobbyist Hager Strategic Solutions (lobbyist).
- 1/22/25: Proclamation to open Chimney Rock State Park as soon as possible to bring in tourism to the area and strengthen the economy.
- The Town is committed to sharing details of the recovery process and as our comprehensive plans are developed, this information will continue to be shared broadly on the website and in Town Meetings.
- 1/31/25: Culvert repair on Hummingbird Cove completed.
- 1/31/25: $1.3 million insurance payment received for damage to Town Hall.
- 2/11/25: Waste Water Treatment Plant is now operational. Repaired 3 water leaks throughout the water system
- 2/14/25: Storm drain box culvert repaired at corner of Memorial Hwy and Charlotte Dr
- 2/19/25: Youngs Mountain Trail landslide repaired
- 2/21/25: Green Space drainage repairs completed, grass replanted, and dry creek beds put into place.
- 2/28/25: The Town of Lake Lure and all those in areas code 28746 are eligible to apply for a free option for debris removal program through the USACE.
- 3/7/25: Debris removed from Morse Park trails and grass replanted in that area.
- 3/14/25: FEMA approval of the mission assignment for Lake Surface Debris, silt, and sedimentation removal through FEMA and the US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Emergency repairs to the sewer system.
- Constant removal hazardous debris from the lake and roadways.
- Removal of boats from the lake and boat houses.
- Town officials are working to develop a comprehensive plan for recovery of the Lake.
You may review previous Storm Recovery Updates in Town News at
For questions or suggestions, please email