Lake Lure Gazebo Refresh and Restoration

Lake Lure Gazebo

If you have driven by the Lake Lure Beach lately, you may have noticed some updates to the Lake Lure Gazebo across the way. Thanks to a grant from the Rutherford County Tourism Development Authority and matching funds from the Town of Lake Lure’s Parks, Recreation and Lake Department, Morse Park has a new scenic overlook area near the Gazebo, providing a beautiful view of the lake. The new seawall adds stability. Additionally, the area surrounding the new overlook is getting refreshed with new pavers, fencing, and landscaping, which will be added in the coming months.

Special thanks to our Parks, Recreation and Lake Director Dean Givens, Parks, Recreation, and Trails Coordinator Dana Bradley, and Maintenance Technicians Carl Landrum and Chris Shields for their work on this project.

For more information about Morse Park or any of the Town of Lake Lure Parks and Trails visit:

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Gazebo View
Gazebo Landscape