FY2023-2024 Annual Report

2024 Town Council, taken 051424

Please take a moment to download the FY2023-2024 Annual Report.  You may pick up a hard copy in Town Hall or request a copy be mailed to you at Communications@townoflakelure.com.


Dear Lake Lure Tax Payers, Residents, Business Owners, and Guests:

I am pleased to share the FY 2023-24 Annual Report for the Town of Lake Lure. It is a privilege to continue to serve the citizens of Lake Lure during my extended second term. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of leaders serving as Town Manager and Town Commissioners shown here left to right on the front Row: Town Manager Olivia Stewman, myself, Commissioner Dave DiOrio (Mayor Pro Tem), and on the back row left to right: Commissioner Patrick Bryant, Commissioner Jim Proctor, and Commissioner Scott Doster.

We appreciate the community’s support of the important work we are continuing to oversee to preserve Lake Lure for current and future generations. Rehabilitating our Town’s core infrastructure has remained a top priority during the past year. To this
end, the Town of Lake Lure was very fortunate to receive $16.5 million from the State of North Carolina for the dam replacement project. Additionally, the Town received $8 million for water and wastewater infrastructure projects from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding along with a $12.5 million low interest loan for the Sewer System replacement from the NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Infrastructure. These funds, in addition to grant funding and the Dam Reserve Funds provided by property owners has helped the Town make progress with key projects.

I have included a list of some of the key accomplishments from the past year below, followed by accomplishments by department in this annual report.

Community Engagement

• Held Community Round Table Meetings to ensure on going communication with our local residents.
• Listened to feedback regarding the Lake Use Regulations and made significant modifications based on community input to further increase safety; support additional fishing opportunities; and omit permit requirement and fees for non-motorized boats.
• Offered two Community Forums, one with Rutherford County Sheriff Aaron Ellenburg and one on Fishing in Lake Lure including the 2024 Fishing Study results.
•Secured Town funding to improve holiday lighting for the community.


• Continued maintenance of the existing sewer system resulting in significantly less water infiltration.
• Completed LaBella Associate’s task for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Master Plan.
• Submitted documentation for the Water System Management Plant and are currently awaiting NC Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) approval.
• Continued coordination with Chimney Rock Village to confirm appropriate terms regarding water system operations.
• Continued oversight of the new reservoir drain valve project which is underway and on-schedule.
• Created a staging area for multiple major projects that are being conducted.
• Initiated a long-term dredging plan.

Organizational Structure/Oversight

•Enforced policies and plans in relation to major projects.
•Closely monitored project costs and enhanced cost-effectiveness.
•Established and enforced a penalty fee for zoning and land use projects that began without obtaining proper permits.
•Established a lake structure permit for minor structural repairs, demolitions, and deck-top accessory structures.
•Updated the database for vacation renters (VR) and continued coordination between departments to ensure that vacation rentals obtain VR boat permits.

Public Safety

•Increased law enforcement patrol time on the Lake to protect boaters and enhance safety.
•Completed the Fire Department Space Needs Study to build a future public safety building.
•Conducted a preliminary cost analysis for emergency access to the West End Connector.
•Continued the enforcement of dock inspections and address tag compliance on lake structures.


•Established multiple capital reserve funds for the purpose of building equity for capital projects.
•Relocated the ABC Store to maximize income from prime real estate through rental income.
•Appraised property and have a lease in progress.
•Utilized The Policy Group (lobbyist firm) for enhanced communication with political representatives.

We hope you will take a few moments to review the entire report for an overview of all the work that has been completed over the course of the past year.  We remain committed to the work ahead and to our continued focus on rebuilding the Town’s
infrastructure. As always, we value your support and welcome your feedback as we continue to work together to preserve Lake Lure for current and future generations.

Mayor Carol Pritchett