FEMA Resources and Information

Brien and Kathie Hatfield with FEMA Representative

Please scroll down the page to see the latest updates. 


FEMA App: You may use the FEMA app to apply directly from your smartphone. 

Online: Visit www.disasterassistance.gov to apply. 

By Phone: Call 1-800-621-3362 to speak with a FEMA representative.

The following updates been shared by our FEMA Representatives. 


10/23/24 FEMA Updates

North Carolina Helene Recovery
Oct. 22, 2024
Ongoing Response and Recovery Efforts

FEMA has made individual assistance available to 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

  • Fifteen Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) are operating in impacted communities across North Carolina and have served more than 7,200 visitors. More centers are opening soon.
  • FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program has approved more than $128 million to more than 92,000 households.

Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) Teams are a vital part of the recovery process. They are in affected communities helping residents apply for federal assistance and assess other disaster needs.

  • DSA specialists in North Carolina communities have registered more than 7,500 survivors.
  • FEMA is providing temporary hotel stays to more than 2,700 households through Transitional Sheltering Assistance.
  • FEMA inspectors have performed more than 24,000 home inspections.
  • More than 1,500 FEMA responders remain deployed supporting the response and recovery operations, including hundreds of DSA staff dedicated to supporting communities.

Please see new resources on the following:

FEMA Disaster Recovery Center 

The Town of Lake Lure, NC new Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) opened at the Mountains Branch Library (150 Bill's Creek Rd, Lake Lure, NC) on 10/24/24.

The DRC will be open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and anyone in the county can visit this location for assistance.

If you’ve received a response from FEMA that wasn’t quite what you expected, don’t worry! Sometimes it just means more information is needed.

The DRC can help you with appeals and ensure you have everything you need for the next steps. Don’t miss this opportunity for assistance!


FEMA is Seeking Lodging to House Disaster Survivors

FEMA is seeking both multifamily and residential properties to lease for Helene survivors.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is seeking information from owners of multifamily properties that can be repaired to local, state and federal standards and be offered as temporary housing to survivors impacted by Tropical Storm Helene.

  • The deadline for replies to this request for information is Nov. 6, 2024.
  • What is the Multifamily Lease and Repair program? Multifamily Lease and Repair (MLR) is a form of temporary housing assistance that allows FEMA to repair or make improvements to existing multifamily rental/residential property for the purpose of providing temporary housing to eligible FEMA applicants.
  • The properties in MLR are to be offered as temporary housing to eligible disaster survivors.
  • The properties must be available for a term of no less than 18 months, with the option of lease extension.
  • The properties should be complexes that are able to accommodate a considerable number of people in a single location.
  • Each property must have been previously used as a multifamily housing complex and contain multiple rental units.
  • Hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. are not considered residential properties and are not authorized for MLR.
  • The site must be repairable to local, state, and federal regulations within a four-month period and cannot be located in a floodway.
  • MLR is not intended to repair or improve individual units to rehouse existing tenants.

FEMA is currently seeking interested, qualified owners or property management companies to help meet the temporary housing needs for disaster survivors by leasing their properties directly to FEMA.

  • What is Direct Lease? Direct Lease is a form of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance that allows FEMA to lease existing, ready-to-occupy residential properties for survivors whose temporary housing needs cannot be met with other forms of assistance.
  • FEMA will pay the property management company/vendor the cost of rent, while the survivor is responsible for utility costs and other expenses not covered in the lease.

The fact sheets are at the link here for any interested businesses/lodging providers who may want to participate.  


10/25/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

Individual Assistance

Applications for Serious Needs Assistance (colloquially known as the $750 FEMA provides) are due October 27, 2024. The application period for all other Individual Assistance Programs aren’t due until November 27, 2024.

Houses of Worship and Private Nonprofit Eligibility

If a House of Worship (church, synagogue, mosque, etc.) was damaged as a direct result of the storm OR if a private nonprofit (ex. Certain types of schools, day care facilities, hospitals, etc.) are interested in applying for Public Assistance they may be eligible to receive funding from FEMA. An important nuance here is that costs incurred by a House of Worship or PNP that was doing things like food distribution, shelters, etc. are typically not reimbursable directly to the organization as those are typically the responsibility of the Local or County government. These are tricky waters to navigate, so I urge you to share but with these caveats. I don’t want to overpromise and underdeliver.

Local Hire Opportunities

Recognizing that the people who know the area best are its locals, FEMA is looking to fill positions in everything from Media Relations or Emergency Management Specialists, to Environmental Floodplain Specialists to help aid in the recovery of Western North Carolina. Here’s an example of a Local Hire Job Posting for a Disaster Survivor Assistant Specialist looks like and I can tell you from personal experience that using the “How To” section to is so great to help understand what the process is/can be.

Additional documents include an explainer that sometimes FEMA calls come from an unknown phone number to help soften concerns with regards to that and additional information for temporary sheltering and housing solutions.

FEMA Housing Assistance

Direct Temporary Housing Assistance (DTHA) Available for Hurricane Helene Survivors

FEMA’s DTHA program seeks to provide safe, secure housing to eligible disaster survivors who have no other housing solution and for whom financial assistance is insufficient to meet the need. FEMA Direct Housing is designed to provide more comfortable living circumstances for survivors who need months or longer to find a permanent housing solution. Check out the link below.

DR-4827-NC Fact Sheet (FS013) Direct Temporary Housing 10.24.24

FEMA Updates 10/27/24 and 10/28/24

Request for Public Assistance Deadline Extended

The Request for Public Assistance deadline has been extended to January 7, 2025. You still have an opportunity to apply for FEMA assistance! So do any churches, private nonprofits, schools, or other organizations which may have had disaster impacts who aren’t in the system currently.

The application period for all other Individual Assistance Programs aren’t due until November 27, 2024.

Please see the FEMA updates below.

  1. Daily Fact Sheets for October 27 and October 28.

  2. Just the Facts about FEMA Assistance: Short, sweet, to the point document about what FEMA assistance is and isn’t.  

  3. Hurricane Helene by the Numbers graphic

FEMA by the numbers

     4. NC Local Hire Flyer: FEMA is hiring local folks to help the recovery in Western North Carolina. It’s a variety of positions from environmental and historic preservation to emergency management specialists. Please consider sharing with your folks.

FEMA - Local Hiring

 FEMA Updates 11/1/24

The documents attached include daily fact sheets, information on FEMA’s efforts to hire local North Carolinians to help communities recover, and others.

11/13/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA released the following updates:  

11/14/24 FEMA Updates

FAQ of the Day: Do I need an inspection to get FEMA assistance for my private road or bridge? ▪ Yes, a FEMA inspection will determine whether repairs are necessary to provide drivable access to the primary residence. Refer to the NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS041) Nov 14 2024 for more information.

What kind of help can FEMA provide? FEMA may provide Serious Needs Assistance, Displacement Assistance, Home Repair Assistance, Rental Assistance, Personal Property Assistance, Transportation Assistance, Medical and Dental Assistance, Funeral Assistance and other miscellaneous expenses for eligible applicants.

Does help from FEMA have to be paid back? No. However, if you have insurance that covers your temporary housing costs and ask FEMA to advance you money
to Refer to NC Fact Sheet (FS023) QA Individual Assistance for more information.

Private Roads and Bridges - Individual Assistance Money for Permanent Repairs: ▪ FEMA can provide money to help repair private roads and bridges.
▪ Money for the permanent repair of private roads and bridges is also available to individuals and households through FEMA’s Individual Assistance programs.

This assistance may be available to help repair a road or bridge, even if your home is not damaged.  Refer to DR-4827-NC TP001 Private Roads and Bridges for additional information.

11/16/24 FEMA Updates

Appeal a Decision: You can appeal any FEMA decision or award amount by sending additional documents, like estimates for repairs, receipts, bills, etc., that show you qualify and need more help. Each decision letter from FEMA explains why you are ineligible and the types of documents to help you appeal. For more details, please visit: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/how-appeal-fema-decision-1.
N.C. Disaster Recovery Centers

A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is a one-stop shop to meet with FEMA representatives, apply for FEMA assistance, receive referrals to local assistance, apply with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for low-interest disaster loans and more. No appointment is needed.  The Lake Lure DRC is at the Mountains Branch Library.

DRCs are open 8 a.m.-7 p.m. daily. Find one near you at: FEMA.gov/drc or text “DRC” and a ZIP code to 43362. You can visit any open center, including locations in other states.

Refer to NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS043) Nov 16 2024 for more information. 

11/19/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA Home Inspections: What to Expect

  • Within 10 days of submitting an application, FEMA staff and inspectors may call to discuss your disaster-caused damage and schedule an appointment for an inspection.
  • The call to schedule an inspection will probably come from an out-of-state phone number. An inspector will attempt to contact you three times over three different days. If inspectors cannot reach you after three attempts, your case will be closed until you contact FEMA again.
  • Within 10 days following an inspector’s visit, you will receive a letter or electronic correspondence explaining FEMA’s decision. Please read your letter carefully. It may have information about next steps you need to take.

Refer to NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS045) Nov 18 2024 for more information.

NC News Release (NR055) FEMA Announces Changes to Disaster Recovery Center Hours 11-18-24: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, and will be closed on Sundays.

11/20/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA released the following memorandums: 

  • NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS047) Nov 20 2024: 

    Direct Temporary Housing Assistance: FEMA offers several types of housing assistance and temporary shelter solutions for eligible households. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance is approved for 25 counties as an interim solution to permanent housing needs. Learn more about housing assistance options and eligibility by watching this video: Direct Housing Assistance available in North Carolina for Helene Survivors.

    Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) is Still Available: Through TSA, FEMA pays directly to participating hotels and motels to cover the cost of room, taxes and non- refundable pet fees to provide short term accommodations for eligible disaster survivors. If you are eligible for TSA, FEMA will notify you using the contact information you provided on your application.

  • NC PSA FEMA Help Available for Private Roads and Bridges: FEMA funding is available to support repairs on private roads and bridges, even if your primary home is not damaged. Volunteer organizations may also be able to help. For more information or to schedule an inspection, call 1-800-621-3362.


11/25/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

  • DR-4827-NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS051) Nov 25 2024Key Messages

    • Free crisis counseling and mental health resources are available for Helene survivors through the Hope4NC Helpline 24/7 at 1-855-587-3463. Services are available to anyone residing in the declared 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, regardless of their eligibility for FEMA financial assistance.

    • Disaster Recovery Centers are open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.

    • Hotels available for eligible survivors. Through Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA), FEMA pays directly to participating hotels and motels to cover the cost of room, taxes and non-refundable pet fees to provide short-term accommodations for eligible disaster survivors. If you are eligible for TSA, FEMA will notify you using the contact information you provided on your application.

  • DR-4827-NC NR058 FEMA Extends Transitional Sheltering Assistance ProgramFEMA is granting additional time for Helene survivors to stay in short-term, emergency sheltering in hotels and motels. FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance was originally authorized for 60 days, until Dec. 3, but has been extended until Dec. 12. This will allow households additional time to identify another housing solution or make repairs to their home. FEMA will continue to evaluate the need to extend the program as individuals’ housing plans develop. Applicants are encouraged to maintain contact with the state, voluntary agencies, local organizations, long-term recovery groups and other partners to find suitable housing. FEMA will notify participants three to seven days before their checkout dates after determining if they are able to return to their residences. Notification is by automated phone call, text message and/or email, depending upon the method of communication they selected when originally applying for assistance. A message is also sent to their participants’ disaster assistance accounts if they have set them up on Disaster assistance.gov. To date, 10,129 households have sheltered in Transitional Sheltering Assistance participating hotels; 4,950 have found suitable, longer-term housing and moved on with their recovery. As of Nov. 25, 5,179 households remain checked in to hotels.n Click oo the link above for further information.

11/27/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

12/2/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

  • DR-4827-NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS054) Dec 2 2024: Key Messages

    • Survivors have just over a month to apply for assistance. Quickest way to apply is online at DisasterAssistance.gov. Or use the FEMA App for mobile devices. You can also call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. The deadline is Jan. 7.

    • Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) has been extended until Dec. 12, providing eligible survivors additional time to secure housing or make home repairs. Through TSA, FEMA directly pays participating hotels for room costs, taxes, and non-refundable pet fees. Participants will be notified 3-7 days before checkout dates; those needing housing after Dec. 12 should update FEMA on their situation.

  • DR-4827-NC MA004 Mobile Disaster Recovery Center Opens In Buncombe County

12/5/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

  • DR-4827-NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS055) Dec 3 2024: Key Messages

    • Survivors have just over a month to apply for assistance. Quickest way to apply is online at DisasterAssistance.gov. Or use the FEMA App for mobile devices. You can also call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. The deadline is Jan. 7.

    • Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) has been extended until Dec. 12, providing eligible survivors additional time to secure housing or make home repairs. Through TSA, FEMA directly pays participating hotels for room costs, taxes, and non-refundable pet fees. Participants will be notified 3-7 days before checkout dates; those needing housing after Dec. 12 should update FEMA on their situation.

  • DR-4827-NC Daily Fact Sheet (DFS056) Dec 4 2024: Key Messages

    • Survivors have just over a month to apply for assistance. Quickest way to apply is online at DisasterAssistance.gov. Or use the FEMA App for mobile devices. You can also call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. The deadline is Jan. 7.

    • At the request of the state of North Carolina, FEMA will be extending the Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program past the holiday season.  This extension will continue providing free hotel and motel rooms to more than 5,200 Helene families
      already checked into area hotels. More details will be released later this week about the program’s end date.

    • FEMA may help with moving and storage costs for eligible North Carolina survivors who are unable to stay in your home or who are living in a temporary shelter.

  • DR-4827-NC Fact Sheet 25 FEMA can Help with Moving and Storage Costs 12.03.24: If you are living in a disaster-declared county and your home is not safe to live in due to damage from Tropical Storm Helene, you may be eligible for FEMA Moving and Storage Assistance. This assistance can help you move and store essential items while repairing your home, stay in temporary shelter or while you wait to move into permanent housing. To qualify for this help, you must apply with FEMA and meet the following conditions:
    ▪ Your primary residence is uninhabitable due to the disaster.
    ▪ You are moving or storing household items to prevent further damage.
    ▪ The items you are moving or storing are considered essential, such as appliances, furniture or clothing.

  • NC Recruitment Flyer1_11.27.2024_Final: FEMA is seeking driven and qualified individuals for positions in our recovery offices located in Asheville and Durham.

12/12/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

Crisis Counseling, Mental Health Resources Available for Helene Survivors

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Hope4NC Crisis Counseling Program provides immediate support and crisis counseling services for North Carolinians following Helene. Survivors experiencing stress, emotional fatigue, a mental health crisis or just need someone to talk to, can call the Hope4NC Helpline 24/7 at 1-855-587-3463. Services are provided at no cost and are available to anyone residing within the declared 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, regardless of their eligibility for FEMA financial assistance.

Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline is available anytime to provide support. Survivors and responders feeling overwhelmed can call or text 1-800-985-5990 to receive free, confidential support in any language.

  • DR-4827-NC News Release (NR066) - TSA Participants Should Talk to Hotels About Holiday AvailabilityAs the holidays approach, local hotels currently sheltering Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) participants may not have availability to continue to accommodate some TSA families due to existing Christmas and New Year’s reservations. As such, some TSA families might need to find alternative accommodation in other area with participating hotels and motels. FEMA and the state of North Carolina urges checked in TSA families to talk to the hotel front desk staff now regarding extending their reservation during peak holiday season. If unable to extend, FEMA may assist in finding new room in other participating TSA lodging facilities. You may also use the hotel locator Transitional ShelteringAssistance (TSA).
  • DR-4827-NC NR067 Farmers Ranch Hands May Be Eligible for FEMA AssistanceNorth Carolina farmers and ranch hands whose tools or equipment were damaged by Tropical Storm Helene may be eligible for disaster assistance. FEMA aid is available to replace disaster-damaged essential tools, supplies, equipment and items required for your job or self-employment. The deadline to apply is Jan. 7.

12/16/24 FEMA Updates

FEMA provided the following updates today:

DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS062) Dec 16 2024: Key Messages

  • A Mobile Disaster Recovery Center is open this week in Buncombe County to provide one-on-one help to North Carolinians affected by Tropical Storm Helene. The MDRC is available today and Tuesday at the Barnardsville Fire Department Station 15, 100 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville NC, Hours are 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday to Tuesday Dec. 16 and 17. Beginning Wednesday the MDRC will be located at the Fairview Public Library, 1 Taylor Road Fairview NC. Hours will be 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18 to Friday, Dec. 20

  • The deadline to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance is extended to Jan. 7, 2025 for people in 39 counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina. To date, $5.5 million in federal unemployment benefits have been provided to survivors. For more information call the unemployment assistance hotline at 919-629-3857 (for Spanish call 919-276-5698). The hotline is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, and from noon until 4 p.m. on Sunday.

  • Ahead of the holidays, the best way to help Helene survivors in North Carolina is by donating to reputable nonprofit organizations who are working in the hardest-hit communities. The North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund is accepting donations that will help these organizations help the families who are most in need. To donate visit nc.gov/donate.


  • DR-4827-NC News Release (NR066) - TSA Participants Should Talk to Hotels About Holiday AvailabilityAs the holidays approach, local hotels currently sheltering Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) participants may not have availability to continue to accommodate some TSA families due to existing Christmas and New Year’s reservations. As such, some TSA families might need to find alternative accommodation in other area with participating hotels and motels. FEMA and the state of North Carolina urges checked in TSA families to talk to the hotel front desk staff now regarding extending their reservation during peak holiday season. If unable to extend, FEMA may assist in finding new room in other participating TSA lodging facilities. You may also use the hotel locator Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA). A request to check out of your current hotel due to availability does not impact eligibility for TSA. TSA is intended to provide shelter while households identify other housing solutions or make repairs to their home. TSA is a temporary program intended to provide short-term lodging for eligible disaster survivors whose residence is uninhabitable or inaccessible because of the disaster. At the request of the state, FEMA provides TSA to eligible disaster survivors who register for assistance and have a continuing need for shelter. Through TSA, FEMA pays directly to participating hotels and motels to cover the cost of room, taxes, and non-refundable pet fees to provide short-term accommodations for eligible disaster survivors.

  • DR-4827-NC NR067 Farmers Ranch Hands May Be Eligible for FEMA Assistance: North Carolina farmers and ranch hands whose tools or equipment were damaged by Tropical Storm Helene may be eligible for disaster assistance. FEMA aid is available to replace disaster-damaged essential tools, supplies, equipment and items required for your job or self-employment. The deadline to apply is Jan. 7.

  • Coverage For Tools and Equipment

    Family-owned farms typically have a variety of equipment needed to conduct business. These include tractors, plows, seeders or planters, harvesters, sprayers, hay balers and utility vehicles. These 
    items are all potentially eligible for FEMA disaster assistance if you can show the following:

        Items were damaged by the disaster.

        You do not have another working item that can meet this need.

        The loss of the item was not covered by insurance.

        Crops and livestock are not “tools and equipment” because they are the products of a farming operation, whereas tools and equipment are the means of production.

    Ranch hands may be eligible for assistance to replace disaster-damaged tools and equipment not covered by insurance when you can show these items are required by your employer.

    Disaster-damaged tools, supplies, equipment and items required by an employer as a condition of employment or required for education may be eligible for assistance. This includes personal property required for a specific trade or profession that is not provided or supplied by an employer.

    Additional assistance to help meet these needs may also be available from the U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The application deadline is Jan. 7. There are several ways to apply: online at DisasterAssistance.gov, or use the FEMA App for mobile devices. You can also call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362, or click on this link to locate a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) close to you.

  • You can visit any DRC. They are open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.

12/27/24 FEMA Update

FEMA released the following memorandum: DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS066) Dec 27 2024

Keep Your Recovery on Track this holiday season. Visit a Disaster Recovery Center. 12 DRCs have reopened following the holiday and are available to provide face to face assistance with your FEMA related questions and needs. The Caldwell County DRC remains closed but will reopen soon. To find your nearest DRC visit fema.gov/drc. Keep in mind DRCs will be closed Jan. 1, all DRCs will resume work on Jan. 2. Help is also available online at DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-FEMA (3362).

FEMA and Nonprofit Organizations Working to Repair or Replace Private Roads or Bridges

FEMA may be able to help pay for a road or bridge on private property when it is the only route available to reach your primary home or it is the only access for emergency vehicles. The FIRST step in determining eligibility for this assistance is to apply with FEMA. Call the FEMA Helpline 
or visit a Disaster Recovery Center to update your application. Nonprofit organizations are also assisting residents. More information on their efforts can be found at Bridging Together ldrcarolinas.org/bridging-together. To date, FEMA has awarded more than $9.5 million for repair or 
replacement of roads and bridges to more than 3,500 families.

Crisis Counseling, Mental Health Resources Available for Helene Survivors

▪   The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Hope4NC Crisis Counseling Program provides immediate support and crisis counseling services for North Carolinians following Helene.  Survivors experiencing stress, emotional fatigue, a mental health crisis or just need someone to talk to, can call the Hope4NC Helpline 24/7 at 855-587-3463. Services are provided at no cost and are available to anyone residing within the declared 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, regardless of their eligibility for FEMA financial assistance.
▪   Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline is available anytime to provide support. Survivors and responders feeling overwhelmed can call or text 800-985-5990 to receive free, confidential support in any language.

The Deadline to Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance is Extended to Jan. 7, 2025

▪   Survivors in 39 counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina are able to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance. To date, more than $6.6 million in federal unemployment benefits have been provided to survivors. For more information call the unemployment assistance hotline at 919-629-3857 (for Spanish call 919-276-5698). The hotline is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, and from noon until 4 p.m. on Sunday.

1/9/25 FEMA Update

FEMA released the following memorandums:

  • DR-4827-NC MA014 Disaster Centers Closed Jan 10-11: All Helene Disaster Recovery Centers in North Carolina will be closed Friday-Saturday, Jan 10-11, due to inclement weather. They will reopen 8 a.m. Monday, Jan. 13.

    Centers are normally open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday–Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. To find a center near you: click the DRC locator at www.fema.gov/drc.  Lake Lure's Center is located at the Mountains Branch Library.

  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS069) Jan 6 2025: FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance program is providing hotel rooms to thousands of Western North Carolina survivors of Tropical Storm Helene. On Jan. 3, FEMA began notifications to families checked into hotel or motel rooms who are no longer eligible for the program because of any of the following reasons:

    • An inspection indicated their home is now habitable.

    • They declined an inspection.

    • FEMA has been unable to contact the applicant to update their housing needs, despite multiple attempts.

    • It’s important for survivors to keep in touch with FEMA, provide regular updates on housing status and update contact information so your recovery process is not delayed.

    • Click on the link for further information.

  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS070) Jan 8 2025Click on the link for further information but here are some key messages from this report.

    • By the Numbers
       $301 million approved to 143,000+ households and individuals beginning their recovery. That includes money to help rent a home or apartment as survivors begin their recovery.
       $309 million in Public Assistance funding approved to support community recovery.
       The U.S. Small Business Administration is still accepting low-interest loan applications. To date more than 10,720 loan applications have been received, with 2,716 approved for more than $201 million. Of that, $53.8 million in low-interest disaster loans have been paid directly to North Carolina survivors.
       FEMA is providing multiple temporary housing options to meet North Carolinians’ individual needs. The first step to receiving housing assistance is applying with FEMA.
      o More than 5,600 households are using Transitional Sheltering Assistance hotels and motels.
      o 93 households have been placed in temporary housing units provided by FEMA Direct Temporary Housing Assistance.
       FEMA has contracted with 18 commercial parks to be able to place units and the agency is working with 16 other parks for potential contracting purposes.
       More than 2.6 million cubic yards of debris has been removed from public rights of way by FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and contractors.

    • FEMA and Nonprofit Organizations Working to Repair or Replace Private Roads or Bridges. FEMA may be able to help pay for a road or bridge on private property when it is the only route available to reachyour primary home or it is the only access for emergency vehicles. Call the FEMA Helpline or visit a Disaster Recovery Center to update your application. Nonprofit organizations are also assisting residents. More information on their efforts can be found at Bridging Together ldrcarolinas.org/bridging-together. FEMA has awarded more than $10.2 million for repair or replacement of roads and bridges to 3,800+ families.

  • Crisis Counseling, Mental Health Resources Available for Helene Survivors

    • The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Hope4NC Crisis Counseling Program provides immediate support and crisis counseling services for North Carolinians following Helene. Survivors experiencing stress, emotional fatigue, a mental health crisis or just need someone to talk to, can call the Hope4NC Helpline 24/7 at 855-587-3463. Services are free and available to anyone in the declared 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

    • Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline is available anytime to provide support. Survivors and responders feeling overwhelmed can call or text 800-985-5990 to receive free, confidential support in any language.

  • DR 4827 MA013 FEMA Seeks Properties for NC Survivors: FEMA is seeking solicitation of Direct Lease properties in 25 North Carolina counties to house survivors of Tropical Storm Helene. Direct Lease is a form of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance that allows FEMA to lease existing, ready-to-occupy residential properties for survivors whose temporary housing needs cannot be met with other forms of assistance. FEMA will pay the property management company/vendor the cost of rent, while the survivor is responsible for utility costs and other expenses not covered in the lease. Units are required in the following counties: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey.

1/15/25 FEMA Update

FEMA released the following memorandums:

  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS071) Jan 10 2025
    • By the Numbers
    • $303 million approved to 144,000+ households and individuals beginning their recovery. That includes money to help rent a home or apartment as survivors begin their recovery.
    • $314.8 million in Public Assistance funding approved to support community recovery.
    • The U.S. Small Business Administration is still accepting low-interest loan applications. To date more than 10,720 loan applications have been received, with 2,762 approved for more than $204 million. Of that, $59.2 million in low-interest disaster loans have been paid directly to North Carolina survivors.
    • FEMA is providing multiple temporary housing options to meet North Carolinians’ individual needs. The first step to receiving housing assistance is applying with FEMA.
      • More than 5,688 households are using Transitional Sheltering Assistance hotels and motels.
      • 104 households have been placed in temporary housing units provided by FEMA Direct Temporary
      • Housing Assistance.
    • FEMA has contracted with 18 commercial parks to be able to place units and the agency is working with 16 other parks for potential contracting purposes.
    • More than 2.7 million cubic yards of debris has been removed from public rights of way by FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and contractors.
  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet 072 - Jan 13 2025
    • Key MessageFEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance is providing hotel rooms to thousands of Western North Carolina survivors displaced by Helene. For eligible families, the program will continue through the end of March 2025. The next eligibility review is scheduled for Jan. 17. Transitional Sheltering Assistance is ending only for families who are no longer eligible due to any of the following reasons:
      • An inspection indicated their home is now habitable.
      • They declined an inspection.
      • We have been unable to contact the applicant to update their housing needs,  despite multiple attempts.
    • On. Jan. 3, FEMA began notifying families checked into Transitional Sheltering Assistance hotels/motels if they were no longer eligible for the program.

  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS073) Jan 15 2024

    • Key Messages

      • FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance is providing hotel rooms to thousands of Western North Carolina survivors displaced by Helene. Current eligible Transitional Sheltering Assistance occupants can remain in their lodging under the program through the end of March 2025. Hotel checkout is today for survivors who are no longer eligible for Transitional Sheltering Assistance due to any of the following reasons:

        • An inspection indicated their home is now habitable.

        • An inspection indicated the individual did not have eligible damages to a home or rental unit caused by Tropical

        • Storm Helene. This includes approximately 199 pre-disaster homeless individuals.

        • They withdrew from the program.

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency offers two disaster assistance programs for eligible agricultural producers. The Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (), and the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) are currently accepting applications. The deadline to apply is Jan 30.

  • Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program provides financial assistance to producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish for losses caused by eligible disaster events

  • The Tree Assistance Program helps qualifying nursery growers and orchardists replant or rehabilitate trees, bushes and shrubs damaged or lost in qualifying disaster events.

1/17/25 FEMA Update

FEMA released the following memorandum:

  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS074) Jan 17 2025
    • ​​All Disaster Recovery Centers in North Carolina will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. They will reopen 8 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21. Centers are open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday–Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.Saturdays. In partnership with the state and local governments, FEMA’s Disaster Recovery Centers in Burke, Madison and Transylvania counties will close permanently 2 p.m.
      Saturday, Jan. 18.

    • The U.S. Small Business Administration is still accepting low-interest loan applications. To date more than 11,027 loan applications have been received, with 2,881 approved for more than $213 million. Of that, $73 million in low-interest disaster loans have been paid directly to North Carolina survivors.

    • FEMA is providing multiple temporary housing options to meet North Carolinians’ individual needs. The first step to receiving housing assistance is applying with FEMA.

    • More than 2,735 households are using Transitional Sheltering Assistance hotels and motels.

    • 121 households have been placed in temporary housing units provided by FEMA Direct Temporary Housing Assistance.

    • FEMA has contracted with 19 commercial parks to be able to place units and the agency is working with 20 other parks for potential contracting purposes.

    • FEMA has awarded more than $11.1 million for repair or replacement of roads and bridges to 4,000+ families.

    • More than 3.1 million cubic yards of debris has been removed from public rights of way by FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and contractors.

    • More than $48.9 million in federal unemployment benefits have been provided to 9,000+ survivors. For more information, call the unemployment assistance hotline at 919-629-3857 (for Spanish call 919-276-5698).

1/20/25 FEMA Update

FEMA Update

News Release

North Carolina: FEMA Continues to Work with Helene Survivors for Transitional Sheltering Assistance Eligibility Non- eligible survivors will now have 21 days’ notice before having to vacate hotels.

HICKORY, N.C. – This weekend, FEMA began contacting Tropical Storm Helene survivors who are staying in hotel rooms paid for by FEMA to ensure their continued need for the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program.

The short-term sheltering program pays for hotel rooms for homeowners and renters displaced by Helene while they find permanent housing solutions or make repairs to their homes. To date, almost 13,000 Western North Carolina
survivor households have used the program. A key part of the program’s management are eligibility reviews. These reviews occur every two weeks and ensure that available rooms are being used by those in need.

“I want to be clear, this program is not ending for Western North Carolina,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Brett Howard. “We understand the great need survivors have at the time and this program will last as long as necessary.

That said, the length of eligibility for an individual survivor will be based on their individual circumstances. FEMA staff are working daily with survivors and on their cases to help them find permanent housing solutions.”

Due to the extenuating circumstances in Western North Carolina, FEMA representatives will be calling any survivors who may become ineligible, to work with them and to give them additional time to check out of their hotel room.

Now, Instead of seven days, survivors who are no longer eligible for the program will have three-weeks’ notice.

The following conditions indicate a survivor or household no longer needs this assistance:
• A home inspection indicated no eligible damages to a home or rental unit caused by Helene.
• A home inspection determined their home is now habitable.
• FEMA has been unable, after multiple attempts from case worker or inspector, to reach the survivor.
• A survivor has missed multiple home inspections.
• A survivor withdrew from FEMA’s Individual Assistance program.
• A survivor was unhoused prior to the disaster.

After a review of FEMA’s eligibility, out of the 2,700 households checked in, approximately 740 are no longer eligible to remain in the TSA program. FEMA is in contact with these individuals to let them know that they are no longer eligible and that they need to relocate. If any family feels they are eligible and that they need to remain in the program, we urge them to contact us immediately.

Survivors who still need assistance with their recovery should stay in touch with FEMA to provide regular updates on their housing status and update contact information, so their recovery process is not delayed. Anyone who has received a notification and still needs housing assistance, should call the helpline at 800-621-FEMA (3362) or visit a Disaster Recovery Center. No appointment is needed and to find those center locations, go to fema.gov/drc or text "DRC” and a ZIP code to 43362.

FEMA has provided more than $316 million in cash grants to Western North Carolina survivors, including more than $6.2 million in rental assistance. The U.S. Small Business Administration has also approved more than $213 million in low-interest loans to help survivors. Those loans are 0% interest for the first year. FEMA, the state of North Carolina, other federal agencies and volunteer organizations continue working with families to help them begin their

For the latest information about North Carolina’s recovery, visit fema.gov/disaster/4827. Follow FEMA Region 4
@FEMARegion4 on X or follow FEMA on social media at: FEMA Blog on fema.gov, @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol on X, FEMA or
FEMA Espanol on Facebook, @FEMA on Instagram, and via FEMA YouTube channel. Also, follow Administrator Deanne Criswell
on X @FEMA_Deanne.
Learn more at fema.gov/disaster/4827 

1/22/25 FEMA Update

FEMA released the following memorandum:

  • ​​​DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS075) Jan 22 2025
  • Key Message: FEMA continues to work with survivors in Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program. FEMA is contacting Tropical Storm Helene survivors staying in hotel rooms paid for by FEMA to ensure their continued need for the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program. The short-term sheltering program pays for hotel rooms for homeowners and renters displaced by Helene while they find permanent housing solutions or make repairs to their homes. Eligibility reviews are a key part of the program’s management. These occur periodically to ensure that available rooms are being used by those in
  • Due to the extenuating circumstances in Western North Carolina, FEMA representatives will be calling any survivors who may become ineligible to work with them and to give them additional time to check out of their hotel room. Now, instead of seven days, survivors who are no longer eligible for the program will have three weeks’ notice.
  • Keep your recovery on track. Survivors who still need assistance with their recovery should stay in touch with FEMA to provide regular updates on their housing status and update contact information so their recovery process is not delayed. Anyone who has received a notification and still needs housing assistance, should call the helpline at 800- 621-FEMA (3362) or visit a Disaster Recovery Center. No appointment is needed. To find those center locations, go to fema.gov/drc or text “DRC” and a ZIP code to 43362.

2/5/25 FEMA Update

FEMA released the following memorandum:

  • FEMA Extends Application Deadline for North Carolinians Affected by Tropical Storm Helene 
    • HICKORY, N.C. – At the request of the state of North Carolina, Tropical Storm Helene survivors now have until March 8, 2025, to apply for assistance with

      With the extended deadline, FEMA still strongly urges survivors to apply as soon as possible. After the deadline of March 8, you may still submit documents, update your contact 
      information and stay in contact with FEMA regarding your application, but you must apply before the deadline.

      FEMA assistance may include funds for temporary housing such as rental assistance or reimbursement for hotel costs; funds to support the repair or replacement of a primary home, including 
      privately-owned access routes, such as driveways, roads, or bridges; and funds for disaster-caused expenses, such as repair or replacement of personal property and vehicles, funds for moving and 
      storage, medical, dental, child care and other miscellaneous items.

      Homeowners and renters in Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Forsyth, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, 
      Lee, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Nash, Polk, Rowan, Rutherford, Stanly, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Union, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin and Yancey counties and the 
      Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians with uninsured losses from Tropical Storm Helene may apply for FEMA assistance.

      There are several ways to apply:

      Visit a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) to find the center location nearest you go to fema.gov/drc.
      Go online to DisasterAssistance.gov. Download the FEMA App for mobile devices.

      Call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362 between 7 a.m. and midnight. Help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA your number for that service

  • DR 4827NC FS030 FEMA Provides Continued Rental Assistance

    • FEMA has helped more than 2,700 applicants with more than $7.6 million of rental assistance. Survivors of Tropical Storm Helene who received initial rental assistance from
      FEMA may be eligible for continued rental assistance.

      • Eligibility
        • You may be eligible to receive continued rental assistance if you:
          • Were awarded rental assistance and can show you used this money to pay for temporary housing.
          • Can’t return to your home because it is not safe to live in or is no longer available to you.
          • Can’t afford to pay for temporary housing and aren’t receiving help from other housing programs or non-profits.
          • Establish a permanent housing plan and continue to show you are working toward meeting these goals.
      • How to Apply
        Applying for continued rental assistance requires two simple steps:
        1. You must complete an Application for Continued Temporary Housing Assistance. To request this form, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362.
        2. Please submit the following documents with the completed application:
        o A copy of your current lease or rental agreement. The lease or rental agreement must include the location of the rental unit, amount of rent, length of lease, number of occupants and signatures of the landlord and tenant.
        o Documents showing your prior rental assistance was used for temporary housing, such as rent and utility receipts.
        o Documents (paystubs, unemployment or social security benefits) showing current income for all members of your household 18 years and older.

  • DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS081) Feb 5 2025

    • Key Messages
      ▪ More than 153,000 North Carolina families are being helped with financial assistance from FEMA. Additional applications are being received daily. Don’t wait. Apply now if you sustained uninsured losses from Tropical Storm Helene.
      ▪ USDA One-day Agriculture Recovery Centers are scheduled this week in Avery (Feb. 5), Yancey (Feb. 6) and Ashe (Feb 7) counties. FEMA may be able to help if you lost tools or equipment in the storm, or if your home was damaged.
      ▪ 3.9 million cubic yards of debris have been removed from public rights of way, 2.7 million by state contractors and 1.2 million by federal contractors.

    • By the Numbers
      ▪ $361.6 million approved for 153,557 households, including money for rent, basic home repairs and other disaster-caused needs.
      ▪ $348 million in Public Assistance funding approved to support community recovery.
      ▪ 13,235 families have stayed in FEMA-paid hotel rooms.
      ▪ 2,777 households have received rental assistance.
      ▪ $105.4 million approved by the U.S. Small Business Administration in low-interest disaster loans. Deadline for applications extended to March 8.
      ▪ Temporary housing:
      o 2,620 households are using Transitional Sheltering Assistance hotels and motels.
      o 160 households have been placed in temporary housing units.
      ▪ $13.9 million provided to more than 4,000 families for repair or replacement of private-access roads and bridges.
      ▪ $50.3 million in federal disaster unemployment benefits have been provided to more than 10,000 applicants.