Town Council Work Session/Action Meeting Summary - May 22, 2024

052224 Town Council - Presentation by Neil Gurney

The Lake Lure Town Council held a Work Session/Action Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 8:30 AM.  The meeting was held at the Lake Lure Municipal Center (Town Hall) located at 2948 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure, NC 28746.  The meeting was open to the public.  

The following is a summary of the meeting for those who could not attend.  You may download the meeting packet for additional information. Note that these are not formal minutes, which will be included in the following month's meeting packet.   

I.        Call to Order: Mayor Carol Pritchett called the meeting to order. 

II.       Agenda Adoption:  The agenda was adopted as written though the order of agenda items shifted.  

III.      Public Comment:  The Mayor invited the public to speak. 

  • Bob Washburn from Washburn Road in Lake Lure, spoke regarding a Resolution that passed by Town Council in 2019 for Charles Watkins. 
  • The Resolution was related to a Memorial including a tree and a plaque in Mr. Watkins' honor.
  • In short, the memorials were never actually put in place due to scheduling and the impacts of pandemic.
  • He asked that the Town follow up on this and ensure the memorials were honored. 
  • He mentioned a second Resolution honoring his father who was the Mayor of Lake Lure and also served over 40 years on the Zoning and Planning Board.
  • Ms. Stewman stated that she would locate the Resolutions and follow up to ensure these were honored. 

IV.      Discuss Memorials on Town Property: 

  • Town Manager Stewman advised that she was recently approached regarding a request for memorials in Morse Park, specifically dedication of trees.
  • It was discovered that there was a previous policy in place in regard to memorials that was adopted in 2013.
  • Town Council discussed this matter and it was recommended that Ms. Stewman update the policy and present a draft to Town Council for review. 
  • Commissioner Proctor also recommended that a tree be dedicated to Bob Washburn for his years of service.

V.      Discuss Existing Public Works Site:

  • Ms. Stewman advised that she has been working with Public Services Director Dean Lindsey regarding the possible relocation of the Public Works Department from behind the Arcade Building to the Green Space property near the Parks, Recreation, and Lake Department and Fire Department buildings.
  • There was a pause in constructing a new site under former management, but staff is now re-initiating the process to construct the new site.
  • Ms. Stewman and Mr. Lindsey discussed their recommendations for next steps that are in process, and possibilities for the existing site upon relocation of the department.
  • Mr. Lindsey confirmed that he will be working with Community Development Director Mike Williams on permitting and approvals through the Zoning and Planning Board.
  • The estimated time for completion of the project is the end of the year or the first part of next year. 
  • The buildings are estimated to be 40' x 80' and 40' x 72' buildings for a work area, storage, etc. 
  • The buildings are not expected to be visible from Memorial Highway. 
  • Town Council discussed selling the property behind the Arcade building once Public Works relocates.

VI.      Review and Consider Approval of Parks, Recreation, and Lake Coordinator Position Description: 

  • Dana Bradley has been selected as the new Parks, Recreation, and Lake Director. This leaves the Parks, Recreation, and Lake Coordinator position vacant.
  • Ms. Stewman and the Parks, Recreation, and Lake Staff have renamed and revised the vacant position description to more accurately represent the needs of the Town and Department.
  • The primary reason for the reclassification is to emphasize oversight of the maintenance of parks, trails, and related facilities in Lake Lure, and to enforce laws and ordinances created by the Marine Commission and Town Council.
  • Distinguishing features of the Class This position assists the Parks, Recreation, and Lake Director with planning and supervising; provides staff support to Parks and Recreation Board and Lake Advisory Board; facilitates use of all Town resources to community and visitors; assists with coordinating assigned activities with other Town Departments, outside organizations, and the general public; and provides highly-responsible and complex administrative support to the Parks, Recreation and Lake Director.
  • Work is performed under the general direction of the Parks, Recreation and Lake Director.
  • This position also assists with plans, projects, and activities with the Park and Recreation Board. An employee in this class would preferably be a sworn law enforcement officer that provides public safety for all parks, trails and lake operations.
  • Town Council approved this new position description.  The position will be posted internally and then opened to the public.

VII.     Review Draft Concession Agreement with the Lodge on Lake Lure:

  • Ms. Stewman advised that the Lodge on Lake Lure would like to begin boat tours. Based on the Lake Use Regulations, a company with any tour boats must enter into a concession agreement with the Town.
  • A draft concession agreement was drafted based on a previous concession agreement with the former owners of the Lodge.
  • There was a discussion regarding the draft concession agreement and Ms. Bradley answered questions. 
  • Town Council discussed the fact that other concession agreements were set at 15% and this one should be established that way as well. 
  • Ms. Bradley noted that they charge $30 per person for the tours. 
  • Lake Lure Adventure pays a livery fee verses a concession agreement. 
  • Rumbling Bald and Lake Lure Tours pay 15%. 
  • Some other revisions need to be made to the concession agreement to reference the Lake Lure Boating Permit and Licensing requirements.  
  • The concession agreement will be amended and presented to Town Council at the next meeting. 

VIII.    Discuss Private Picnic Benches on Town Property:

  • Ms. Stewman stated that a private business has had picnic tables placed on Town-owned property.
  • Town Manager Stewman was told by the owner that this was verbally authorized by a previous manager, but there is not written confirmation of this authorization.
  • Town Manager Stewman and Town Attorney William Morgan recommend establishing a written agreement if the Town chooses to continue to allow the placement of the picnic tables.
  • There was a discussion on the matter.
  • Mr. Paul Brock, the tenant of the property (Lured Market) stated that former Town Manager Shannon Baldwin gave him permission to place the picnic tables on Town property near the spillway behind the restaurant about 4 years ago. 
  • Mr. Brock agreed that a formal agreement for such would be recommended to formalize this agreement. 
  • Mr. George Wittmer who owns the property where Lured Market is housed, stated that he was not aware of this agreement.
  • Mr. Brock stated that he was not at the meeting where this agreement was made. 
  • There was a discussion about whether or not the Town would be setting a precedent for placing property like picnic tables on Town property. 
  • There was also a discussion regarding the spillway and the culvert in that area and this is the Town's responsibility to maintain. 
  • Town Council recommended that the Town Manager review this information with the Town Attorney and present a recommendation at a future meeting.  

IX.      Continue Discussions regarding Sewer Replacement Project and Lake Drawdown:

  • Ms. Stewman advised that we were looking at the feasibility of continuing the sewer system replacement project and taking a formal operational pause to reassess the costs.  
  • Dredging is underway. Additionally, the Town is pursuing permitting for additional dredging. If the permit is submitted by July, the Town should have it approved by January.
  • Lastly, the Town just consulted Schnabel Engineering for a Tainter Gate inspection. 
  • Mr. Lindsey advised that one of the beams on Tainter Gate 2 is heavily rusted according to a safety letter recently received. 
  • We can still operate lake levels effectively without it. 
  • The plan is to evaluate the recommendations once the formal report is received.
  • He confirmed that we can operate at normal levels using the other two Tainter gates. 
  • Structural repairs will be needed and we planned to replace the seals, and painting the gates as well. 
  • A formal proposal for repairs will be presented once the formal report is received.   
  • Town Council and staff will continue discussion on the sewer replacement project and options for the next lake drawdown.

X.       Discuss Personnel Policies: 

  • At the May 8th special budget meeting, there was discussion in regards to various personnel policies that relate to budget operations.
  • Specifically, there were questions regarding compensatory time, health insurance for retired employees, and law enforcement separation allowance.
  • Human Resources Coordinator Jennifer Duncan was present to answer any questions in regard to these policies or any others that are in place.
  • Mr. Ford did a cost estimate of the comp time which has been accrued.
  • Employees have to take their comp time first before they use their vacation time. 
  • Ms. Stewman advised that the proposed change in policy is for comp time to be capped at 120 hours.   
  • Mr. Ford advised that it will take about $75,000 to bring the comp time down to 80 hours for each employee. 
  • It was noted that if comp time hours were over 240, the total number of hours rolls over to the employees sick leave. 
  • Mr. Ford noted that the comp time for Police and Fire Departments has improved greatly.
  • If employees do not use their vacation time, it rolls over into their sick leave which helps at their retirement.
  • For non-public safety positions Town Council recommends the employees be paid in real time to reduce the accumulation of comp time. 
  • Town Council recommended a cap be set and employees be paid overtime if the comp time could not be taken in two weeks. 
  • It was noted that there may need to be a separate policy for Public Safety employees. 
  • Flex time is offered for exempt employees and this is not a budget concern but it allows the employees to be compensated for their time within a pay period.

XVII.  Discuss Workforce Housing Conceptual Site Plan:

  • Mr. Neil Gurney, President of Gateway Wellness Foundation gave a brief overview of his organization and how it was formed.  
  • As discussed in the January 9, 2024 meeting, one of the priorities for the Town of Lake Lure is increasing housing for our workforce.
  • Town staff have been meeting with the Foothills Regional Commission as well as the Gateway Wellness Foundation to discuss this matter.
  • It was recommended that an important step in assessing the Town’s needs is through a Housing Assessment to document the needs.
  • Town Council supported the submission of a grant application with Dogwood Health Trust to fund this study.
  • Dogwood Health Trust funded a Housing Study through the Foothills Regional Commission which will include the Town of Lake Lure. We hope to receive the results of the study in the fall of 2024.
  • Gateway Wellness Foundation recently worked with the Town of Rutherfordton to develop a Workforce Housing neighborhood called Creekwood Meadows.
  • The representatives that have been working to advance Workforce Housing in Lake Lure toured the neighborhood in January 2024.
  • The address of the neighborhood is 125 Upper Gateway Circle, Rutherfordton, NC 28139.
  • Photos from this site visit are included below.
  • Everyone was very impressed with the quality of the neighborhood and the homes.
  • Town staff identified potential Town-owned property, which could be utilized for future Workforce Housing.
  • One property that was identified is on Island Creek Road adjacent to Lake Lure Classical Academy.
  • The next step in considering this property for future Workforce Housing is to develop a Conceptual Site Plan.
  • Mr. Neil Gurney (President of Gateway Wellness Foundation and Vice-Chair of the Board of Adjustment / Lake Structure Appeals Board) presented an overview of his organization and the development of Creekwood Meadows in Rutherfordton. 
  • He led a discussion with Town Council on how Workforce Housing can work in Lake Lure.
  • In short, the only requirement of the Town of Lake Lure is to provide the property and the development of the Conceptual Site Plan ($6,500.)
  • This Conceptual Site Plan is an essential element that can then be used to apply for grant funding from organizations like Dogwood Health Trust, Foothills Regional Commission and other Foundations as well as state and federal funders, for the development of the infrastructure to support the neighborhood. This is how Creekwood Meadows and other nearby properties are being developed.
  • Once the infrastructure has been created, Gateway Wellness Foundation would fund and oversee the development of the Workforce Housing.
  • Gateway Wellness Foundation will market the new homes to the Lake Lure workforce including Firefighters, Police Officers, Teachers, Healthcare Workers, etc.
  • Gateway Wellness Foundation works with future home owners to apply for a USDA 502 Loan which repays their investment in building the homes.
  • There are guidelines which would not allow the homes to be utilized as short term rentals. Mr. Gurney will provide all of the details in his presentation.

XIII.   Discuss Parking and Recent Parking Request: 

  • Community Development Director Williams shared his concerns for the need for additional parking around Town. 
  • He has spoken with the Police Department and others regarding the need for additional public parking.
  • His department has recently been approached by the owners of a local business that have requested the use of Town owned property at 168 Boys Camp Road for parking.
  • Some businesses have suggested that they would provide a shuttle for their patrons from the requested parking area to their business location.
  • Mr. Tom Holladay, owner of Fae Nectar came to express his need for additional parking. 

XI.     Continue Review of Proposed FY 24-25 Budget: 

  • Council and Finance Director Steve Ford continued discussions regarding the FY 24-25 Budget.
  • The public hearing to adopt the budget is set for the June 11th regular Town Council meeting.
  • The following Revenue Highlights were reviewed and discussed. 

052224 Revenue Highlights

  • There was an agreement that the budget would be reviewed quarterly. 
  • The Public Hearing for the Budget will be held as scheduled.

XII.     Discuss Non-Compliant Lake Structures at 121 Anglers Way:

  • Development and Environmental Review Specialist Rick Carpenter advised that there is a boathouse and a seawall located at 121 Anglers Way that have both failed in various places and are in a severe state of disrepair.
  • He presented a detailed overview and shared photos of the issues. 
  • Community Development has notified the property owners of the dilapidated structures, but the owners have failed to initiate repair or removal.
  • The homeowner was present for the meeting and confirmed that he is committed to bringing the property up to par. He assured Town Council that he will follow through to make the repairs of the Lake structure.
  • Town Council voted to proceed with the demolition of the lake structure within the timeline given to the homeowner.  

XIV.    Discuss Goals for Town Park Planning: 

  • Ms. Stewman advised that the previous Town Manager was in the process of having a plan created for the Green Space.
  • A contract was signed with McGill for this assessment. 
  • There was a discussion regarding the Town’s goals for overall park planning moving forward.
  • Ms. Stewman will work with Attorney Morgan and/or McGill to see if it is possible to cancel the previous contract until the Town is ready to move forward with a larger Park Assessment. 

XV.     Review Parks and Recreation Board Recommendation for Removal of Water Fountain: 

  • The Parks and Recreation Board has been discussing options for the water fountain located near the Arcade Building.
  • Ms. Bradley advised that the Board recently recommended the removal of the fountain, the relocation of the memorial plaque on the side of the fountain to a nearby bench, and the relocation of the metal sculpture in the center of the fountain to either the Flowering Bridge or an alternative location.
  • Town Council approved the removal of the fountain and the relocation of the metal sculpture.  

XVI.    Appointment of Town Clerk: 

  • Town Manager Stewman, Mayor Pritchett, and HR Specialist Jennifer Duncan have been in the process of interviewing candidates for the vacant Town Clerk position.
  • Ms. Elba Willette was offered the position.  Town policy stipulates that Town Council is charged with hiring the Town Clerk.
  • Town Council approved Ms. Willette as the new Town Clerk and she will start next week. 

XVIII. Project Manager Updates

  • Reservoir Drain project: Project Manager Mike Dydula, advised that the concrete bulkhead and a metal door that are connected to the dam to allow the hole to be sealed.  Some refinements are being made. We hope to have the portal door back next week. The divers will be preparing to move forward next week. 
  • Lake Drawdown: Town Council discussed the work that could be accomplished during a winter drawdown.  The plan to consider bringing the lake down again January - March 2025, coming down 12 feet - with the option to come down 20 feet if that is necessary and possible. 
  • Sewer System Replacement/Waste Water Treatment Plants: There was a discussion about options moving forward.  A meeting needs to be had with DEQ to discuss the best way forward. 
  • Tryon Bay Demolition/Foreclosure: The foreclosure process is proceeding and the property will be sold. 

XIX.   Town Manager Updates: Ms. Stewman introduced the new intern Trey Blackwell.

XX.    Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned.