Lake Drawdowns - Working on the Lake
Need to Know Facts Before Starting Work During Lake Drawdowns
Generally, all work within the lake boundary (995 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL)) will require permits from the Town of Lake Lure. Additional permitting from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWQ) and/or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and/or Rutherford County Building Inspections is likely to be required from any work below the shoreline (990.5 feet MSL).
State and federal permits, if required, shall precede and accompany town applications, as required. Property owners and/or contractors are responsible for getting permits from the county, state, and federal agencies, as appropriate. The Town does not provide these services.
Please be advised: State and federal review times might exceed the lake draw-down period. It is recommended that permits are submitted to these authorities as early as possible. The following is a quick reference:
Seawalls/ Bulkheads/Shoreline Stabilization will require:
- 401 Water Quality Certification from NC Division of Water Resources.
- Town of Lake Lure Lake Structure Permit/Town of Lake Lure Shoreline Stabilization Permit (as applicable) and all accompanying documentation. (Site plan, engineered drawings, etc.)
- Compliance with Trout Buffer regulations or variance, either granted or under review from the State of North Carolina.
- Reference to US Army Corps of Engineers General (Regional) Permit 198200030 (RGP30) to assure work is within the scope of the Regional Permit.
- Town of Lake Lure Floodplain Development Permit Boathouses/ Docks/ and other Lake Structures:
- 401 WQC from NC DWR (unless only using driven pressure-treated wood pilings for footing support of boathouse/ dock construction).
- Town of Lake Lure Lake Structure Permit and all accompanying documentation. (Site plan, engineered drawings, etc.
- Compliance with Trout Buffer regulations or variance, either granted or under review from the State of North Carolina.
- Reference to USACE RGP30 to assure work is within the scope of the Regional Permit.
- Town of Lake Lure Floodplain Development Permit.
Private Utilities Repair/Maintenance: Check with Town Staff, especially if working with private sewer distribution lines utilizing Town manholes (such may require additional permitting from the State).
For more information, please look below.