Town Board Vacancies - We Need You!

We Need You Sign

The Town of Lake Lure is accepting applications from community members interested in serving on statutory and advisory boards.

Serving on Town Boards is a great way to get involved with your local government and make a positive impact on your community. We encourage residents of all ages and from all backgrounds to apply for appointments to the various Town boards and committees. 

The role of citizens as advisory board or committee members is important to the Town as they provide a vital link between the community and its local government.  The local government is dependent upon its citizens to volunteer their services on these bodies.  Service on these boards and committees fosters direct and meaningful citizen participation in local government affairs.  This is particularly important in small communities like ours with small budgets and limited staff. We rely heavily on volunteers here in Lake Lure.

You may apply to serve on one of the following Town Boards. Just click on the title below to learn more about each board.

Applications may be submitted to the attention of the Town Clerk via email at or at the Lake Lure Municipal Center located at 2948 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure, NC 28746. For additional information, please refer to the Lake Lure Advisory and Statutory Board Handbook or contact the Town Clerk at the email above.